Kickball is an ancient recess game whose origins are lost to time, i think. Luckily we will have a wise kickball umpire at your game to help guide you to victory. You will be pitted against each other in age based, randomized brackets for a chance at Glory. Those who disrespect the game or any of its members with be faced with the wrath of the kickball gods (that’s not good).

Every body can play!

Games will be played at the willow lane athletic complex. six full softball fields. THat means we got bases, we got foul lines, we got benches and dugouts. BRackets will be posted on the site one week before the tournament begins to let you know when you play. These fields are very near and dear to the hearts of the kids that play on them so be kind!

… on a legit field

  • Game Starts as close to posted time as possible. PLease try to be on time. you should just hang out there all day, its gonna be fun

  • 10 players in the field, all members will bat… i mean kick.

  • 3 outs per inning (duh), 5 innings max per game. Play will stop at 30 minutes. got to keep it moving people!

  • Official kickball rules (yes they are official, I checked)

  • Be the coolest named and looking team. just do it. THemes, costumes, puns. Use good judgment, you will have to run and kick and stuff.

  • Trophies! Gotta have trophies! Bracket winners of course, but there might be other secret trophies also….

The basics…

It’s not about being good, it’s about being.