Meet kade

Kade parrish was a 14 year old total stud who took his own life in november of 2023.

he was so many things to so many different people. a loyal, goofy and instigating friend. a tough as nails, no quit team mate. a delightful and diligent student. a sweet and helpful son/grandson. someone to confide in. someone to look up to. a genuinely nice person to be around. he was always 100% in whatever he was doing.

he was also shy and reserved. eager to please everyone. anxious. nervous about new things. directed his frustrations and anger on himself instead of others. he would never believe how often he is missed.

all in all he was a normal dude. Just a kid trying to do life the only way he knew how.

he was my first real inspiration and truly my best friend. he made me not only a father but finally a man. i am not alone in being better because he is in my life.

love you kid.

Stay; and play explained

i started looking for t-shirts for suicide awareness, i figured it was the least i could do. i kept seeing the word stay with a ; (semi colon) next to it. It is a symbol tied to suicide awareness because a semi colon is used to represent a sentence that could have ended but didn’t. seemed like an apt metaphor.

i’ve been involved with youth sports since kade was 5, coaching t-ball on a whim and i got hooked. it doesn’t matter the sport, i was in (football, baseball, soccer). Sports are the perfect place to insert life lessons and metaphors so stay; and play came about pretty quickly.

You have to play the game if you ever want to win. You can lose over and over but if you continue to play, you will always have a chance. THe game will never get easier, you just get better the more you play. If you replace the word game with life… it remains true.

PLay can also be the thing that kids do when they are running around being loud and crazy and giggling and living with no abandon. joy through play is such a good way to get a break from stress. you can call it whatever you like, but doing an activity that you enjoy with your freinds is playing. it can be serious or silly, competitive or recreational, but it’s all play.

so please, go have fun. get out of your own way and have some fun. try something new, get into something you used to do, lean into an urge to call your people up and play. when you experience joy, even just once in awhile, it makes it easier to stay.

Check out these foundations!

who are you…

My name is jake stockton. I am a father of 4, a coach and work in construction. i’m just trying to be more like the man i want to be.

it’s never as good as it looks

or as bad as it seems